18. What Makes Ella Duke and Joanna Timm Well

“All of us decided that we cared as much about our business and friendships as much as we did our personal relationships”

Hey Wellness Warriors, I’m back as promised, with another gem dropping episode! This week, I am joined virtually by the delightful duo, Ella Duke and Joanna Timm. (Hetero Sexual) Life partners and Co-Owners of 3 businesses and counting, Joanna and Ella have a friendship that -dare I say it?!- is on an Oprah and Gail emotional support level. They are friendship communication goals in the flesh with not a drop of fake love between them and it’s truly refreshing. They get into the intricacies of being each other’s support system while having such interwoven lives, they discuss how Tribe Mentality is coming back in full swing during this Pandemic and we all share our own stories about how much CBD has changed our lives for the better.

Have at it!

Mentioned on this episode:

Apiary Wellness

Wela CBD

Co-packing USA

Need advice? E-mail me with your questions and I’ll answer them on the show: WhatMakesMeWell@gmail.com

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Twitter: @WhatMakesMeWell

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